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Psychopharmacology & Psychotherapy via Telepsychiatry

Telepsychiatry/Telemedicine Services

If interested in telepsychiatry/telemedicine, and you are not currently an office patient, you must first become a patient.  Please call the office.  If you are already an office patient you only need to fill out the Electronic Consent for Telemedicine on the page for intake forms. ​​

All appointments currently need to be made and managed by calling the office.  

Telepsychiatry is the practice of psychiatry via videoconferencing.   It is a subspecialty of in the relatively new field of telemedicine.  It has become widely accepted due to the COVID pandemic, though Dr. Homer has been practicing telepsychiatry for years.  Telepsychiatry/telmedicine offers the advantages of convenience and extra privacy.  Many studies show telepsychiatry to be just as effective, or sometimes even more effective than an office based practice.  In Dr. Homer's practice a combination of office visits and telepsychiatry/telemedicine sessions may be opted.  Generally your initial evaluation will be in the office, and in most cases, periodic office follow-up appointments will be recommended.  You must be in Florida for this service to be offered.  Videoconferencing utilizes technology similar to Skype or Facetime, though more secure and HIPAA compliant.  Currently we are using for the connection.   It is free and easy to use, just go to the website.  You can check out Dr. Homer's telepsychiatry waiting room by clicking on the link below, but you will not be seen unless you have an appointment.   


For Microsoft Windows you should be using  the Google Chrome web browser.   It is best to give this a trial run before the first appointment.